Thursday, September 23, 2010

John Orsi's blog

I read John's blog and was moved. It took me screaming back to Emergent Literature and my fascination with Shakespeare's The Tempest. Also, one line in his blog seems to sum up the entirety of the Bible: "It also represents the ethereal nature of life, that we shall rise up, stir amongst the world and then dissapate, irrigating the stage for the next act of apparitions." Prior to this inspired line, John was talking about "from dust we came, to dust we will return". The Bible seems to be an endless, seamless act of recurrence and as he said, every ritual we perform, every act of simple living, is to "set the stage" for those who will walk after us. It also seems to speak of the ritual of cleansing, renewal, the pouring down of rain meant to bring about a new beginning.

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