Monday, October 4, 2010

Linda Sexson

Well, we have found Dr. Sexson's match... Listening to Linda Sexson speak for an hour and fifteen minutes was incredible. She used every minute thoroughly and I feel like I learned more than is feasible in that amount of time. I did not know about Judges 19 and the story of the Levite and was disturbed, to put it lightly, upon hearing this story. Part of what made it so powerful, though, was how Linda portrayed it and read it to us. We were all laughing and joking and with brevity noticing the absurdity of the inferior role of women in the Bible when suddenly this story came about in all its horror. She told it slowly, methodically and left it hanging for us to turn over in our minds. Once again, powerful. She made me realize the extremity of the doctrines in the Old Testament and to what extent gender bias was taken. As she said, though, the Levite's concubine was representative of the "feminine", which, in the context of our discussion, was strictly metaphorical or symbolic. As this distinction increased my understanding of the story, it did not succeed to abate my horror at such a gruesome account of human perversion.

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