Thursday, September 9, 2010


Now on the subject of smiting. I'm actually flabbergasted at the exceptions made in the field of man smiting man. It is NOT OK to smite a fellow man alright? If you do so, you will instantly be put to death (unless the Lord directs your smiteful hand). But wait, servants are kind of men, but not really, more like property. So if a master of a servant smites said subject, "he shall surely be punished" (sidenote: Bible being very blatant, there is a definite distinction between being "punished" and being "put to death" although forms of punishment remain hazy). But, alas, if you were merciful enough to only half-smite your victim, in such a way that he or she lives another one or two days, it's totally OK. I mean, the servant "is your money", so really, you do with him/her what you will. That is Barbaric with a capital B.

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