Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bad Day Deja Vu

I should have never posted about the bad day I had with my car. It was bad ju ju for sure, and now I have an equally bad day to post about; a day that gave me one of those eerie moments of deja vu. It was not pleasant deja vu, by the way. I began my day at 6:45, driving out to South 19th to exercise a horse for a lady I'm currently working for. I was driving along, in the dark, not really thinking about or expecting much, when WHAM, I nail a deer. Another self-sacrifice in concern of creating for me a terrible day. Fortunately, I did not have to deal with deer smear this time, and my grill guard wasn't totalled, but I did lose a headlight and a formidable chunk of my left side-panel. Cussing, I drove towards the fateful completion of my wretched existence on this otherwise beautiful October day. Rocky. The horse. What an a-hole. He just couldn't help himself and had to indulge in a nice explosion in the middle of a green, alfalfa-fragranced field which resulted in grass stains on my shoulder and skid marks on my forearm. Not to mention the fact that I landed on my ribcage, of all the places to land, which immediately stole away my air, leaving me helplessly gasping for breath while simultaneously whispering as loudly as I could "I'm going to kill you Rocky, oh you're dead." (a hollow threat, I didn't actually kill the horse) This resulted in a half hour of straight running and a panting Rocky as a result. I felt better when I saw the sweat gathering at his flanks and the tumultuous flare of his nostrils. So much for a refurbished car and trustworthy horses...

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