Wednesday, December 8, 2010

After Writing

After I wrote this paper and presented it in class I realized countless other additions I would like to make. I will re-post this paper tomorrow with the necessary additions. As odd as it may sound, after Dr. Sexson asked me to read the most disgusting part, I realized I was missing a key element from my paper. I needed to include the stoning of Naboth and now I have in my head exactly what I want to write. It may not turn out to be as disgusting as he may have hoped but I can't beleive I ignorantly left this part out. T.S. Eliot would be proud of me realization. If I am to relate the story of Naboth, Jezebel and Ahab to Melville's Moby Dick I need to complete the important aspects of the story; namely the death of the being that blocks the monomaniacal characters from reaching their desired end. I think that Melville's Ahab was obsessed with the idea that a being more powerful than him reigned within the sea. He waged war on God, basically and God took the form of a whale that overpowered Ahab, making him obsessed with vengeance. Ahab, king of Israel is similarly obsessed. He was thwarted by a peasant and he realized, even if for a breif moment, he had no power to attain what he wished to possess. He does eventually obtain the vineyard but his end is similar to Melville's Ahab in that God wins. Wow, my paper could be one-hundred pages long if I filled in the gaps leading to Ahab's death.

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